Bath planning applications week ending May 22 | Planning Applications IYA

2022-05-28 13:06:57 By : Mr. Silo xu

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Your planning news from Bath and North East Somerset Council this week.

Various planning applications have been submitted to Bath and North East Somerset Council this week.

The list of received applications can be found below.

Planning applications received by Bath and North East Somerset Council last week include:

Discharge of condition 6 (Surface water drainage strategy) of application 21/02214/EVAR (Variation of Condition 24 (Plans List) of application 17/02588/EFUL (Full planning permission for the erection of 171 residential units, open space, green infrastructure, landscaping and associated works including provision of vehicular access from Combe Hay Lane)) at Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath.Discharge of condition 15 (Welcome pack) of application 21/02214/EVAR (Variation of Condition 24 (Plans List) of application 17/02588/EFUL (Full planning permission for the erection of 171 residential units, open space, green infrastructure, landscaping and associated works including provision of vehicular access from Combe Hay Lane)) at Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath.Discharge of condition 17 (Post excavation reporting) of application 21/02214/EVAR (Variation of Condition 24 (Plans List) of application 17/02588/EFUL (Full planning permission for the erection of 171 residential units, open space, green infrastructure, landscaping and associated works including provision of vehicular access from Combe Hay Lane)) at Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath.Discharge of condition 21 (LEMP) of application 21/02214/EVAR (Variation of Condition 24 (Plans List) of application 17/02588/EFUL (Full planning permission for the erection of 171 residential units, open space, green infrastructure, landscaping and associated works including provision of vehicular access from Combe Hay Lane)) at Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath.Discharge of condition 22 (Lighting) of application 21/02214/EVAR (Variation of Condition 24 (Plans List) of application 17/02588/EFUL (Full planning permission for the erection of 171 residential units, open space, green infrastructure, landscaping and associated works including provision of vehicular access from Combe Hay Lane)) at Parcel 4234, Combe Hay Lane, Combe Hay, Bath.Discharge of condition 24 of application 18/03797/FUL (Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of the site to provide 95 dwellings across two separate buildings. External works including hard and soft landscaping and site clearance works with land set aside for the future facilitation of a Sustainable Transport Route. Proposed vehicular access to Windsor Bridge Road and provision of 24 vehicular parking spaces and cycle parking) at Chivers House, Windsor Bridge Road, Twerton, Bath.

Variation of condition 20 (plans list) of application 21/01588/FUL (Erection of nine dwellings with associated access, parking, drainage, landscaping and ecological mitigation) at field between City Farm and Cotswold View, The Hollow, Southdown, Bath.Erection of a two-storey side extension following demolition of the existing garage and conservatory at 4 Stonehouse Close, Combe Down, Bath.Tree works at West Lodge, Fox Hill, Combe Down, Bath.Discharge of conditions 6 and 10 of application 21/00282/FUL (Re-level existing school playing field to include excavation and filling works) at Oldfield School, Kelston Road, Newbridge, Bath.Erection of single-storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory, and erection of a new garage to the rear boundary following demolition of existing at 31 Shakespeare Avenue, Bear Flat, Bath.Erection of single-storey rear extension and loft conversion (Revision to approved scheme 20/00021/FUL) at 78 Triangle North, Oldfield Park, Bath.Non-material amendment to 20/03571/FUL (Demolition of garage and erection of two-storey side and rear extension) at 38 Priory Close, Combe Down, Bath.Alterations to roof profile, internal amendments and increase in footprint to rear of property (Revision of previous application, 21/02376/FUL) at Brookdene, Lyncombe Vale Road, Lyncombe, Bath.Non-Material Amendment to 21/02933/FUL (Extensions and alterations to existing dwelling, erection of ancillary building and associated landscaping works) at Stonecroft, Entry Hill Drive, Lyncombe, Bath.Discharge of conditions 2, 4 and 5 of application 22/00083/FUL (Erection of two single-storey extensions and alterations to existing extension. Demolition of existing garage) at Somer Cottage, Midford Road, Midford, Bath.Tree works at High Trees, Sion Hill, Lansdown, Bath.Prior approval request for single-storey rear extension that would 1) extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 6 metres 2) have a maximum height of 4 metres and 3) have eaves that are 3 metres high at 83 Kelston View, Whiteway, Bath.Change of use of garage into habitable space. Conversion and small rear extension to existing single-storey garage with new roof and knock through to living space. Other external internal changes to be made to property with changes of openings window sizes (Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use) at 2 Beech Avenue, Claverton Down, Bath.Tree works at 1 Golf Course Road, Bathwick, Bath.Tree works at St Leonards, Weston Road, Lower Weston, Bath.Tree works at Basement, 68 Wells Road, Lyncombe, Bath.Tree works at 7 Seymour Road, Walcot, Bath.Removal of paint finish from staircase between ground and second floor at 9 Royal Crescent, City Centre, Bath.Tree works at 17 Lansdown Crescent, Lansdown, Bath.Internal and external alterations for the replacement of an existing single-storey rear extension, adjustments to an existing two-storey rear extension and removal of a single-storey lean-to structure at The Old Farmhouse, Withyditch, Dunkerton, Bath.Tree works at The Lodge, Entry Hill Drive, Lyncombe, Bath.Demolition of dwellinghouse (Waterworks Cottage) at Waterworks Cottage, Charlcombe Way, Fairfield Park, Bath.External alterations for the proposed strengthening of the timber deck in front of Green Park Brasserie at Green Park Station, Green Park Road, City Centre, Bath.Installation of solar PV panels on the south-facing roof of the garage outbuilding at 7 Alexander Buildings, Lambridge, Bath.

Erection of 1.45m fence onto an existing wall of block construction which is 0.55m high, surrounding the perimeter of the garden, to make a total height of 2m maximum. Also install two new gates, one to replace the existing 1m high metal bar gate, at the top of the property on Weston Lane, and one inside the property boundaries at the foot of the driveway. Gates will be of the same construction and height as the fence at Steepholm, Weston Lane, Lower Weston, Bath.Change of use of care home (Class C2) with associated internal and external alternations to form seven dwellings, and external landscaping and boundary treatment works at Oakfield, Weston Park, Upper Weston, Bath.Discharge of condition 12 (Rainwater harvesting) of application 20/02666/VAR (Variation of conditions 4 (Obscure Glazing) and 12 (Plans List) of application 19/00972/FUL (Erection of two-storey dwelling, following demolition of existing two-storey house with associated landscape and drainage works and erection of bike shed)) at Eastcourt, Charlcombe Lane, Lansdown, Bath.Erection of two-storey side and single-storey rear extension and garden office workspace (Resubmission of 21/04241/FUL) at 12 Vernslade, Upper Weston, Bath.Change of use from business (Use Class B1) to residential use (Use Class C3) for the first, second and third floors, with access through a communal staircase from the ground floor, to create three apartments. New front door to accommodate the new communal entrance, new double glazed sash windows to be installed, renewal of roof covering and felt and photovoltaic panels to be installed to rear flat roof at 19 Westgate Street, City Centre, Bath.External alterations to add insulation to existing flat roof; install roof-mounted PV panels and two air source heat pumps with battery storage facilities in plant room at Kilowatt House, North Road, Bathwick, Bath.Change of use from shop/hot food takeaway (Use Class E) to three apartments (Use Class C3). Internal and external repairs including: new doors and windows, alteration of existing shop screen, opaque panel and double glazing, roof repairs and installation of rooflights, photovoltaic panels to flat roof, UPVC drainage and ventilation pipes to be replaced and signage removed. New staircases, internally strengthening rotten floor, new steel beam and basement works at 18 Upper Borough Walls, City Centre, Bath.Change of Use from C3 (Residential) to C4 (HMO) with five bedrooms at 51 Canons Close, Southdown, Bath.

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